Yeet Cory Gardner | Fall 2020
YellowScene Magazine Coverage
5280 Coverage
Westword Coverage
The meme that put YCG on the map
Yeet Cory Gardner | Fall 2020
Yeet Cory Gardner | Fall 2020

As a senator, Cory Gardner spent six years being wrong for Colorado. Armed with the First Amendment’s protection of satire and an intimate knowledge of niche Colorado culture, I started an Instagram account to explain why. You can check it out here.

Grew to 22k followers in six weeks.

Average engagement rate: 20.35%

John Hickenlooper, Senator Gardner’s opponent, created a campaign video reading my memes. It was his best-performing campaign ad.

Reposted by Colorado celebrities (and just plain-ol’ verified accounts) including SNL’s Bowen Yang, Wesley Schultz of The Lumineers, Ashley Spivey of The Bachelor, Betches Sup, and more.

Generated coverage in Yellow Scene, 5280, Westword and more.

We're going to yeet Cory Gardner | John Hickenlooper

Can’t imagine why he didn’t read the Illegal Pete’s one.

YellowScene Magazine Coverage
YellowScene Magazine Coverage

Read it here. (Or don’t. That’s okay, too.)

5280 Coverage
5280 Coverage
Westword Coverage
Westword Coverage
The meme that put YCG on the map
The meme that put YCG on the map

Foiled by Trey Parker and Matt Stone buying Casa Bonita and making the food actually good.